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Conference Information

The fall conference is on November 15-16, 2024 at Shanty Creek Resort 5780 Shanty Creek Rd., Bellaire, MI. Attendees may earn 12 total CLE Skill Training Hours. The cost is $480 for CDAM Members and $600 for Non-Members. Those with CDAM Direct Billing Agreements Register Free.


KEYNOTE: Mental Toughness To Do What We Do by John C. Cannon 

John is a husband, father, soldier, and counselor.

John P. Cannon graduated from the University of Kansas with a BA in English Literature. After finishing his undergraduate degree, he did a clerkship in Washington, D.C. for the United States Senate. He attended Oklahoma City University College of Law where he clerked for the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals.

He began his litigation career by competing in the National Trial Competition. Additionally, he was captain of the American Association of Justice Trial team. Further, he participated in international law and trial advocacy programs in Germany. After receiving his Juris Doctor, John was an Assistant District Attorney in Canadian and Garfield County, where he tried multiple cases.

John gained further criminal law experience as an Assistant Public Defender in Oklahoma County, handling a felony docket, including representing clients through every aspect of the criminal justice system, including jury trials and appeals before the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals. Next, John expanded his experience by becoming an Assistant Attorney General, representing the State of Oklahoma in state and federal court, including arguing before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. He left the Office of the Attorney General to open his defense firm, CANNON & ASSOCIATES, PLLC.

John’s practice extends to his military service. He is a Judge Advocate in the Oklahoma National Guard. He has defended soldiers in all aspects of the military justice system, both in reserve and active duty status. He has tried a Court-Martial at Fort Bragg and represented soldiers during active duty service in Washington, D.C. He continues to serve as Deputy Staff Judge Advocate for the National Guard. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024 Speakers & Events

EVIDENCE BOOT CAMP E | 9:30am - 5:30pm | 8 CLE Skill Hours | $320 CDAM Member/$400 Non-Member

CDAM’s Evidence Boot Camp F, ideal for lawyers with five or more years’ experience. These all-day, small group, hands-on, immersion trainings develop fast thinking skills, critical to introducing evidence in court. Limited to sixteen, paired into groups of two, attorneys work on fact patterns that focus on Rules of Evidence.It’s been said that if you know the Rules of Evidence, you can Rule the Courtroom. It’s true, and by attending an EBC, you will position yourself to Master the Courtroom.

Click here to register for Evidence Boot Camp E!

Patrick A. Cherry


Elizabeth A. LaCosse


           Jennifer Mazzuchi


A IS FOR ATTORNEY | 9:30am - 5:30pm | 8 CLE Skill Hours | $320 CDAM Member/$400 Non-Member

Experience CDAM’s acclaimed new lawyer session. Learn what a new lawyer needs to know to begin practicing criminal defense: interviewing a client, setting up a file, nuts and bolts of criminal court procedures, Q&A. Morning session is procedure, working lunch. Afternoon session is trial skills. 

Click here to register now for A is For Attorney!

Tiffany DeBruin


Lisa Kirsch Satawa


YOUR CASE ISSUES | 4pm - 6pm | No CLE Hours Issued | Just Show Up!

Stumped on a strategy? Have questions on a case? This is your opportunity to get feedback and assistance from an experienced CDAM trial attorney.  Your Case Issues on Thursday, Nov 9, is open to everyone and is free. No reservation needed -- just show up. Check in at the registration desk and CDAM staff will direct you to the meeting room. 

Rhonda B. Ives


Daniel W. Grow


          Michael Steinberg


CDAM BOARD MEETING | 6:15pm                                                                                                                                                    All CDAM members are welcome to attend. Those interested in running for CDAM’s Board of Directors must attend a board meeting within the past year.

LODGE PARTY | 8:00pm   

At Shanty Creek Lakeside Restaurant. Open to All Conference Registrants. Complimentary Hors D'oeuvres; Cash Bar. 

Friday Speakers & Events - 9:00-5:00pm (8 MIDC-compliant hours)

8:30-8:45am       Pre-conference tutorial on how to use the conference Whova App (no CLE accrued) by Cathy Gentry

9:00-12:00pm  Breakout Session Options (select one): 15-minute break during each session

• Navigating Misdemeanor Criminal Cases: A Comprehensive Overview  with Daniel W. Grow and Jessica LaFond, and Felonies, Persuasive Communication, and Pitfalls In Advocacy by Hon. Becket Jones

Obstructing Injustice -- Try Your Case! by Takura Nyamfukudza and Margaret "Peggy" Raben

Persuasive Writing and Hands-On Practice by Patrick A. Cherry

Case and Client Management: Don't Trip Over Your Own Feet with Michael A. Hills and Lisa Kirsch-Satawa

12:00-1:00pm OPTIONS:

Working Lunch -- SADO's Web of Knowledge by Kathy Swedlow

Group Lunch

Lunch on Your Own

1:00-2:00m KEYNOTE PRESENTER:  Mental Toughness to Do What We Do by John P. Cannon

2:00-2:45pm Don't Let AI Get You In Trouble by Patrick Barone

2:45-3:00pm Break

3:00-3:45pm   Revolutionizing Your Practice with Conscious Communication by Gabby Rosely 

3:45-4:30pm Straight Talk Honest Advice by Channa Borman

4:30-5:00pm Stakeholder Updates by CDAM President Bernard A. Jocuns, MIDC Deputy Director Marla McCowan, CDRC Manager Kathy Swedlow


8:00-11:00pm Cocktail Party by Nationwide Interlock. Beer/Wine and Appetizers.

9:00-12:00 Breakout Tracks - Four Options 

~ Each track will have 15-minute break during the segment ~

Navigating Misdemeanor Criminal Cases: A Comprehensive Overview

Description: Dive into the essential components of misdemeanor cases in this comprehensive presentation. The presentation will focus on misdemeanor practice beginning with case initiation through trial, pleas, and sentences. Whether you’re looking to gain a foundational understanding or seeking to refine your knowledge, this presentation will provide a clear and thorough exploration of misdemeanor cases and how to best represent your clients.


• How to Effectively Communicate with your Client

• Communicating with the Court and Prosecutor to Your Client’s Benefit

• A Checklist of Important Items – What Discovery You Need

• Analysis of Defenses and Plea Negotiations

• How to Navigate Trial, Pleas, and Sentencings.

Navigating Misdemeanor Criminal Cases: A Comprehensive Overview

Daniel W. Grow

Saint Joseph, MI

Jessica LaFond

Kalamazoo, MI

Hon. Becket Jones

Kalamazoo, MI

Obstructing Injustice - Try Your Case! 

Description: We will discuss what Constitutional Warriors should do ahead of trial to get their cases ready. That way, they are prepared to feel the thrill of victory. Or they know that they’ve done everything possible should they not win.


• Be Brave: Try Your Case

• Be Prepared: Use Motion Practice

• Be “adverse,” the government certainly is

• Plug the hole in your pretrial bucket

Takura Nyamfukudza

Okemos, MI

Margaret "Peggy" Raben

Detroit, MI

 Case and Client Management: Don't Trip Over Your Own Feet

• Attendees will leave with an understanding of how to learn, manage and strategize cases.

• Attendees will leave with a method to efficiently and effectively handle evidence.

• Attendees will leave with an understanding of resources available to save time and sanity.

• Attendees will receive and use methods, systems and checklists to avoid problems and stay out of trouble.

• Attendees will learn the benefit of and participate in a brainstorming/ focus group.

• Part two is an opportunity for each attendee to bring their scariest case and leave with insight to save their sanity and present the best defense. 

Michael Hills

Kalamazoo, MI

Lisa Kirsch-Satawa

Bloomfield Hills, MI

Persuasive Writing and Hands-On Training

Description: This session will begin with a lecture. The lecture will focus on audience engagement through writing using non-traditional methods of Motion and Brief writing. Following the lecture, there will be a brief discussion on the development of theme and theory in a case and how it interplays with persuasive writing. The session will conclude with a practical hands-on opportunity for students to use the methods taught in their own project.


• Know your audience.

• Just because it’s always been that way doesn’t mean it has to be.

• Know your client’s story.

• There’s more to writing than words on a page.

• Long doesn’t equal good.

Patrick A. Cherry

Cadillac, MI

12:00-1:00pm Group Lunch, Lunch on Your Own, or Working Lunch

SADO's Web of Knowledge Working Lunch

Description: In this session, attendees will learn about the resources SADO offers to criminal defense subscribers and how these resources can help them with their work. We will review publications, training videos, model pleadings, the brief bank, and the expert and misconduct databases -- as well as a large collection of free resources SADO offers to people impacted by the criminal legal system.

How to access and search the SADO brief bank.
How to find the right training videos to help you in your work.
How to navigate SADO’s website to find what you need.

Kathy Swedlow

Detroit, MI

1:00-5:00pm  Friday Afternoon Plenary Sessions


Mental Toughness to Do What We Do 

John P. Cannon

Oklahoma City, OK

Don't Let AI Get You In Trouble 


Mastering AI tools is becoming an essential skill for all lawyers.

AI has limitations, and effective use requires understanding them.

Ethical use of AI must align with professional responsibility rules.

Patrick Barone

Birmingham, MI

Revolutionizing Your Practice with Conscious Communication

Description: How to master communication in high-stakes environments to achieve better outcomes — both in court and in everyday professional interactions. We will be highlighting that effective communication goes beyond just speaking; it's about listening, adapting, and building rapport, which aligns well with the mission of improving legal representation and advocacy." 


• Effective Communication begins with Listening: The Power of Active Listening

• Adapting Communication Across Generations, Personalities and Positions

• Winning Hearts Before Minds: Emotional Intelligence in Communication

Gabby Rosely

Straight Talk Honest Advice

Channa Borman

Bryan, TX

 Stakeholder Updates from CDAM, MIDC, and SADO 

Bernard A. Jocuns

CDAM President

Marla McCowan

MIDC Deputy Director

Kathy Swedlow

CDRC Manager

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